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Plan de estudios

Resumen salidas profesionales
En la forefront of today's business world, the ability to innovate has become a cornerstone for those seeking not only to survive but thrive in the competitive landscape of Industry 4.0. Our course on "Innovation 4.0" is designed to catalyze the transformation of organizations through the understanding and effective application of innovative strategies and tools. We cover from the theoretical foundations of innovation to the most advanced techniques, including design thinking and the Lean Startup approach, enabling participants to embrace creativity and problem-solving with a renewed vision. Through dynamic and accessible learning, you empower your teams to build high-impact corporate ventures and successfully launch your innovations to the market. Private funding for innovation is also considered, providing a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape. By choosing us, you opt for online training that blends flexibility, quality content, and a pragmatic approach, essential to infuse innovation into your company. Get ready to stand out and lead the transformation in your industry with our course.

To promote the innovation drive in businesses and learn how to apply it in the development of differentiated strategies that may stand out in comparison to their competitors.
Salidas profesionales
The course "Innovation 4.0" opens a range of job opportunities in the digital era. Graduates will be able to lead R&D projects, implement innovative strategies in companies, and design disruptive products/services. They will learn about open innovation, metrics, and the Lean Startup, key skills for roles such as innovation managers, strategy consultants, and entrepreneurs. They will be prepared to lead high-performance teams and secure funding for their innovative ideas, pioneering in business transformation.
Para qué te prepara
The course "Innovation 4.0" is designed to boost innovation in the business realm, providing a clear understanding of how to apply it in shaping strategies that stand out in the competitive market. Through a training itinerary that spans from the fundamentals of innovation to practical tools for product/service design and effective market entry strategies, this course prepares you to be a catalyst for change, capable of generating added value and a unique proposition in your work environment. You will become a key facilitator for the adoption of innovative practices in your organization.

A quién va dirigido
The course "Innovation 4.0" is designed for entrepreneurs, project managers, and professionals at any level seeking to enhance their companies' competitiveness through strategic innovation. Covering from fundamentals to advanced design tools and market strategies, participants will learn how to foster a culture of innovation and how to launch products and services that stand out in the market. Ideal for those looking to make a difference in their industry.

Aprendizaje online gif Aprendizaje online
Aprendizaje 100% online
Plataforma web en la que se encuentra todo el contenido de la acción formativa. A través de ella podrá estudiar y comprender el temario mediante actividades prácticas, autoevaluaciones y una evaluación final.
Campus virtual Campus virtual
Campus virtual
Accede al campus virtual desde cualquier dispositivo, las 24 horas del día. Contando con acceso ilimitado a los contenidos de este curso.
Equipo docente especializado Equipo docente especializado
Equipo docente especializado
El alumnado cuenta con un equipo de profesionales en esta área de formación, ofreciéndole un acompañamiento personalizado.
Centro del estudiante Centro del estudiante
Centro del estudiante
Contacta a través de teléfono, chat y/o email. Obtendrás una respuesta en un tiempo máximo de 24/48 horas en función de la carga docente.

Titulación de course innovation 4.0

Degree Issued and Endorsed by Structuralia

Claustro docente

Euroinnova International Online Education
Noemí Romero González

Docente de la facultad de derecho

Euroinnova International Online Education
ángel Luis Martínez Sanchez

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
Jennifer Contreras Linde

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
José María García Labrac

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
Iván Girela Estudillo

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
Carmen Cristina Rodríguez Bayo

Docente de la facultad de inversiones y finanzas

Euroinnova International Online Education
Francisco Antonio Navarro Matarin

Docente de la facultad de seguridad y prl

Euroinnova International Online Education
Pilar Plaza órpez

Docente de la facultad de recursos humanos

Euroinnova International Online Education
Javier Martín Ocete

Docente de la facultad de inversiones y finanzas

Euroinnova International Online Education
Fátima García López

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
Maria Raquel Cabrera-nyst Martos

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
Marina De Las Angustias Rivas Bastante

Docente de la facultad de derecho

Euroinnova International Online Education
Cristina Jiménez Cerrillo

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
Miguel ángel Vera

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
Pedro Navarro

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
Daniel Rosales

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
Juanjo Marle

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education


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