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Lo que dicen nuestros alumnos:

Nicholas Myers


Great master, the content is extensive and the explanations are detailed. I will definitely trust you again for my next training. Unbeatable prices.


Cecilia Bailey


I decided to take this course in my native language so that I could understand everything well. I recently moved to Madrid for work-related reasons, and this master s program helped me a lot in learning many of the functions in my new position.


David Hill


What I liked the most was the tutor s assistance; they quickly resolved all the questions that arose for me, and they also provided examples to enhance understanding.


Maria Brown


I recommend it to all individuals who are seeking specialization in engineering and construction project management, a course of high quality.


Mark Morgan


It was a very comprehensive master s program. I decided to pursue it because of the accreditation it offered, and its price seemed very affordable to me.


Plan de estudios

Resumen salidas profesionales
This master’s degree is focused on how business and project management are applied to both the engineering and construction sectors, and their intrinsic managerial characteristics. According to McKinsey’s 2020 study, the infrastructure sector is the one with the largest contribution to world GDP. The need for new infrastructures, the adaptation of existing ones to new technologies and the needs of the population, and the rehabilitation and maintenance of existing stock, is constantly increasing. As a matter of fact, this sector, and its peculiarities, differentiates companies from other sectors, thus the demand for professionals with general management vision, business management knowledge and capabilities for infrastructure development is huge, and will continue to grow in the future.

Acquire a comprehensive understanding of business towards an exhaustive and comprehensive decision-making process, which may lead to the development of skills that enable the use of essential managerial abilities in a resolutive, and well-communicated manner.
Salidas profesionales
Management at engineering and construction companies, construction, engineering, infrastructure maintenance and consulting firms, public administration agencies directly related to the construction sector
Para qué te prepara
The MBA is fully aligned with the needs of the Engineers and Architects in this current process of globalization. The growth and development of the business of companies and professionals It goes through internationalization. Professionals must have not only the better technical training, but they must be able to manage efficiently and effectively form projects and businesses if they want to boost their career towards leadership positions. The MBA promotes the development of managerial skills and contributes to students the necessary knowledge to help them in their career through tools that allow them to lead and deal with success and solve the challenges of this global environment

A quién va dirigido
This program is intended for professionals with technical and business-related expertise who wish to expand their knowledge and skills in the business management of the construction and infrastructure development sector. Also, dealer enterprises, construction, maintenance and engineering firms and consultants

Aprendizaje online gif Aprendizaje online
Aprendizaje 100% online
Plataforma web en la que se encuentra todo el contenido de la acción formativa. A través de ella podrá estudiar y comprender el temario mediante actividades prácticas, autoevaluaciones y una evaluación final.
Campus virtual Campus virtual
Campus virtual
Accede al campus virtual desde cualquier dispositivo, las 24 horas del día. Contando con acceso ilimitado a los contenidos de este curso.
Equipo docente especializado Equipo docente especializado
Equipo docente especializado
El alumnado cuenta con un equipo de profesionales en esta área de formación, ofreciéndole un acompañamiento personalizado.
Centro del estudiante Centro del estudiante
Centro del estudiante
Contacta a través de teléfono, chat y/o email. Obtendrás una respuesta en un tiempo máximo de 24/48 horas en función de la carga docente.
Carácter oficial
La presente formación no está incluida dentro del ámbito de la formación oficial reglada (Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria, Formación Profesional Oficial FP, Bachillerato, Grado Universitario, Master Oficial Universitario y Doctorado). Se trata por tanto de una formación complementaria y/o de especialización, dirigida a la adquisición de determinadas competencias, habilidades o aptitudes de índole profesional, pudiendo ser baremable como mérito en bolsas de trabajo y/o concursos oposición, siempre dentro del apartado de Formación Complementaria y/o Formación Continua siendo siempre imprescindible la revisión de los requisitos específicos de baremación de las bolsa de trabajo público en concreto a la que deseemos presentarnos.

Titulación de mba for engineering structuralia

Master´s Degree in Continuing Education MBA for Engineering and Construction Companies & Project Management with 60 ECTS Credits awarded by the Catholic University of Murcia in collaboration with Structuralia

Claustro docente

Euroinnova International Online Education
Jennifer Contreras Linde

Docente de la facultad de business management

Euroinnova International Online Education
Sarai Rosario Lopez Cabrita

Docente de la facultad de arquitectura y diseño

Metodología MyLxp

MBA for Engineering Structuralia

Do you want to boost your professional career? Are you looking for a study method that allows you greater flexibility? If your answer to these questions is yes, don't miss this opportunity! Now, Euroinnova International Online Education gives you the chance to pursue an MBA for Engineering, which will provide you with the necessary knowledge to enhance your relationships with your clients.

This is the boost you needed to improve your professional skills, and Euroinnova International Online Education provides you with the tools to achieve it!


Learn more about engineering and construction with this master's program.

For a construction project to be carried out properly, it is essential to have engineers responsible for designing the various systems and services that will be incorporated, such as elevators, with the goal of minimizing energy usage while employing the most advanced technologies. These professionals must be present throughout the entire process to oversee the implementation of the designed services.

Would you like to work as a construction engineer?

Engineers working in construction are responsible for designing the services within the infrastructure and ensuring that all installations function correctly. Examples of areas they work on include ventilation systems and lighting.

The complexity of the services required varies depending on the type of building. The needs for a computer room are different from those of an operating room. These engineers also oversee buildings with special features, such as those with swimming pools or recreational areas.

In some cases, these engineers may serve more as consultants, providing input on the building's design. Therefore, their work involves collaboration with other professionals such as architects and clients.

The designs they create must address environmental concerns and prioritize energy efficiency, all within the budget provided by the client. This is why engineers need extensive training in construction, often specializing in specific areas.

It's worth noting that construction engineers must also work closely with project managers and inspectors, making decisions related to the project, determining the necessary workforce, and managing costs. Additionally, they are responsible for resolving any issues related to their area of expertise.

Why study Project Management?

Project management is highly important within any construction project. Efficient management, planning, and task direction can lead to significant outcomes. Engineering projects involve various operations to achieve a final result, which is why proper management ensures the completion of these operations within specified deadlines, along with cost reduction by eliminating inefficient activities that waste time and materials.

The primary objectives established in project management include:

  1. Project evolution, monitoring, and tracking, both at the beginning and throughout.
  2. Control and response to problems and errors that may arise during project execution.
  3. Assistance in completion and compliance with the regulations and standards required for engineering projects' approval.

Projects have independence from business activities, and specific objectives need to be scheduled through new meetings because each activity is independent. However, the management and integration of all these activities constitute the project as a whole.

Commonly, project objectives are focused on the results achieved, the consequences of project completion, profit margins, and the final amount of profit expected. They also determine the strategic objectives that will be implemented after project completion, i.e., how the construction will be utilized.

Understanding the project scope is equally crucial, requiring specification of project phases, timelines, and tasks. Consequently, most of the time must be closely monitored.

Several essential phases exist in project management:

  1. Feasibility: A feasibility study of the project is conducted to determine whether it's worthwhile to proceed.
  2. Planning: Detailed activities that need to be carried out are outlined.
  3. Project execution: Consideration is given to how the project will be initiated and the techniques used to execute the activities outlined in the planning phase.
  4. Monitoring and control: Activities are continuously monitored to detect possible deviations.
  5. Project closure: This phase encompasses all processes related to project completion.

MBA for engineering Structuralia online

Why pursue this MBA in Engineering and Construction with Euroinnova International Online Education?

Don't miss the opportunity that Euroinnova International Online Education offers you to expand your knowledge in the field of engineering. With the MBA for Engineering, you can balance your studies with your personal life. Furthermore, you will receive a degree issued by the Catholic University of Murcia in collaboration with Structuralia.


If you still have questions, please contact us through our form. Take advantage of the benefits of online education with Euroinnova.

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