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1500 horas - 60 ECTS
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Titulación de master´s degree in data science

Claustro docente

Docente de la facultad de ciencia de datos e inteligencia artificial

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Master's Degree in Data Science
At this moment, you will be able to study one of the most important and demanded subjects from home, getting to know in detail everything about data science. In this program, you will learn about the multiple uses of data science and how to work with it. All this and much more will be possible thanks to the Master's Degree in Data Science.
Euroinnova International Online Education gives you the opportunity to train from home in a highly demanded professional field. Discover the best training and learn everything you need about this career. Throughout the Master's Degree in Data Science, you will delve into tools like SQL and the most advanced techniques of data mining or new models.
Specialize in data science with Euroinnova
When we refer to data science, we are talking about various studies conducted on large amounts of data, typically with a significant volume, with the main objective of extracting valuable information for companies. This approach spans across various disciplines and combines principles and practices from fields like mathematics or artificial intelligence. Throughout these analyses, we will be able to pose various questions and determine what can be done with these results.
This discipline holds special importance due to the combination of different methods, technologies, and tools to give meaning to the analyzed data. The advent of new technologies and the digitization of most processes have led to a significant increase in data collection, which is why data science has gained more importance by yielding better results. The more data we have, the more precise the conclusions and results we arrive at.
The future of data science is very ambitious. In recent years, significant advances have been made in artificial intelligence, machine learning innovations, or data processing. This is why we find great potential in this field, and if you decide to study the Master's Degree in Data Science, you will be able to benefit from this knowledge.
What are the applications of data science?
This discipline can be applied in different areas. Among the main ones, we can highlight the following:
- Descriptive analysis: This analysis examines the data to obtain quality information about what is happening thanks to the data and the context in which it is found. This type of analysis works with statistical representations such as tables, graphs, or other forms of data visualization. Thanks to this, we can identify critical points in the performance of any element.
- Diagnostic: This type of analysis is deeper and analyzes the data in detail to find the data that indicates a specific event that has occurred. This can be carried out through various operations and transformations of the data. There are unique patterns that need to be applied throughout these techniques. Identifying the elements that cause a notable action according to the data allows us to work on them.
- Predictive: Thanks to the data we have in the past, we can make a future forecast about the activity we are analyzing. Predictive analyses enable us to anticipate future actions and determine the direction in which the organization we are analyzing is heading.
- Prescriptive: In this type of analysis, predictive data is used to determine the best action to achieve a forecast. In other words, predictions of different scenarios are made based on the activities carried out to determine which set of movements and actions is ideal for reaching a probable future scenario. This type of analysis is used in many companies to determine which actions to take and to design the strategy, thereby making the most appropriate decisions with better future potential.
Why should you pursue this specialized training in data science with Euroinnova International Online Education?
There are many reasons to study with Euroinnova. With this knowledge, you will be able to demonstrate your worth in the professional sector of data science, learning everything necessary to reach the best conclusions and prepare the best reports based on the data you have.
Enjoy the 100% online mode and the multiple advantages offered to you when studying, and during the training, if you have any doubts, you will have access to personalized tutoring service.
Upon completion of the Master's Degree in Data Science, you will receive a degree issued by Antonio de Nebrija University with 60 ECTS credits, which will endorse your knowledge in this sector.
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