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Lo que dicen nuestros alumnos:

Olivia O.


The syllabus was well-structured and detailed. The tests at the end of each topic help solidify knowledge.


Hume F.


I decided to take the advice of a friend who recommended your platform for this course that I needed. The syllabus is very comprehensive.


Charles S.


I would introduce more practical videos that support the theory, especially in the more complex topics.


John L.


This Master is very useful, not only at a professional level but also on a personal level, as it provides a wealth of information.Moreover, they resolve my doubts very quickly.


Mía C.


I have always been interested in this topic, and being able to learn more about it is exciting. Likewise, the online mode in which this training is delivered has allowed me to continue with my full-time work life.


Plan de estudios

Resumen salidas profesionales
The Cybersecurity Master’s degree program is designed to provide students with deep and comprehensive knowledge of the digital world, and addresses the basic principles of network protection, evaluation, and interpretation.

The main objective is to develop the necessary skills to provide organizations with the security they need in today's information society. Students learn how to design and implement an organization's cybersecurity program, as well as how to secure cloud, Internet and industrial environments. Thus, one of the most important points covered in this program is how to implement and audit new regulations such as the GDPR. Furthermore, the students will be able to deal with cybersecurity challenges derived from the blockchain, a relatively recent technology that allows more secure transmissions. They will also develop the necessary skills to work as an ethical hacker.
Salidas profesionales
Thanks to this ample and updated program, the student will be able to work in a wide variety of positions such as: - Cybersecurity consultant - Cybersecurity auditor. Ethical hacker - Forensic analyst - Safe software/ systems engineer - Cybersecurity architect - Malware analyst
Para qué te prepara
The Cybersecurity Master’s degree program is mainly aimed at 3 specific groups or professional profiles. First, professionals with undergraduate degrees currently working in the cybersecurity, and who wish to strengthen their CV and professional experience by pursuing a prestigious graduate degree in Computer Systems and Cybersecurity. Second, professionals with experience in similar sectors or areas who wish to obtain more strategic and technical training on the subject. As a matter of fact, continuous training in this sector is essential to develop a competitive advantage that will enable us to reach higher professional goals. It is important to mention that anyone in a managerial or technical position may pursue this Master’s degree, especially in an ever-changing sector that demands continuous learning and professional update. Third and last, either engineers or professionals that may be interested in managing their own business and require the essential skills to supply this type of services to small and middle-size enterprises. It may also be interesting for businessmen and consultancy firms that may be interested in opening a new business line in computer system cybersecurity for their current, or potential clients.

A quién va dirigido
Therefore, this Master’s degree in Cybersecurity has been designed to provide students with deep and comprehensive knowledge of the digital world, and address the basic principles of network protection, evaluation, and interpretation. It addresses the following questions : - What threats are information systems exposed to in my company? - How often could these threats occur should I not take protective measures? - How do I take measures? - How can I minimize risks?

Aprendizaje online gif Aprendizaje online
Aprendizaje 100% online
Plataforma web en la que se encuentra todo el contenido de la acción formativa. A través de ella podrá estudiar y comprender el temario mediante actividades prácticas, autoevaluaciones y una evaluación final.
Campus virtual Campus virtual
Campus virtual
Accede al campus virtual desde cualquier dispositivo, las 24 horas del día. Contando con acceso ilimitado a los contenidos de este curso.
Equipo docente especializado Equipo docente especializado
Equipo docente especializado
El alumnado cuenta con un equipo de profesionales en esta área de formación, ofreciéndole un acompañamiento personalizado.
Centro del estudiante Centro del estudiante
Centro del estudiante
Contacta a través de teléfono, chat y/o email. Obtendrás una respuesta en un tiempo máximo de 24/48 horas en función de la carga docente.
Carácter oficial
La presente formación no está incluida dentro del ámbito de la formación oficial reglada (Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria, Formación Profesional Oficial FP, Bachillerato, Grado Universitario, Master Oficial Universitario y Doctorado). Se trata por tanto de una formación complementaria y/o de especialización, dirigida a la adquisición de determinadas competencias, habilidades o aptitudes de índole profesional, pudiendo ser baremable como mérito en bolsas de trabajo y/o concursos oposición, siempre dentro del apartado de Formación Complementaria y/o Formación Continua siendo siempre imprescindible la revisión de los requisitos específicos de baremación de las bolsa de trabajo público en concreto a la que deseemos presentarnos.

Titulación de master degree in cybersecurity

Master´s Degree in Continuing Education in Cybersecurity with 60 ECTS Credits awarded by the Catholic University of Murcia in collaboration with Structuralia

Claustro docente

Euroinnova International Online Education
Cristina Muñoz Aycuens

Docente de la facultad de ciberseguridad y cloud computing

Euroinnova International Online Education
Jorge Córdoba Merino

Docente de la facultad de ciberseguridad y cloud computing

Euroinnova International Online Education
Jorge López Blasco

Docente de la facultad de ciberseguridad y cloud computing

Metodología MyLxp

Master degree in cybersecurity

Do you want to boost your professional career? Are you looking for a study method that offers greater flexibility? If your answer to these questions is yes, don't miss this opportunity! Euroinnova International Online Education now offers you the chance to take a Master's in Cybersecurity and Digital Risk Management, which will provide you with the necessary knowledge to enhance your relationships with your clients.

This is the boost you needed to enhance your professional skills, and Euroinnova International Online Education provides you with the tools to achieve it!

Still not sure? We invite you to keep reading.

Contact us through our website, or if you prefer, give us a call and get more information!


Don't let this opportunity pass you by, and if you're not convinced, keep reading!

Learn more about Cybersecurity with this Master's program.

In the current age where the internet is an integral part of our daily lives, it is crucial to keep these areas secure, and this is where the term "cybersecurity" comes into play. Under this concept, we refer to actions that focus on protecting our information on electronic devices, such as mobile phones. This is particularly important since we carry a significant portion of our personal information on our mobile devices nowadays.

Cybersecurity is built on three pillars, known as the CIA triad:

  1. Confidentiality: Ensuring that users can be confident that only authorized individuals can access their information.
  2. Integrity: Guaranteeing that the information belongs to the intended person and has not been altered or tampered with in any way.
  3. Availability: Ensuring that we can access our information when needed. An example of the importance of availability is when a ransomware attack restricts our access to our device and data.

As we continue to rely on technology, understanding and implementing cybersecurity measures become paramount to safeguarding our personal and sensitive information. This Master's program can equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity and protect against potential threats in our increasingly digital world.

While applications and programs focused on security are crucial, they cannot guarantee that everything will go smoothly. To ensure a more secure environment, it is essential to establish certain processes, among which we can highlight the following:

  1. Data backups: To keep relevant data on our devices safe, it's important to store them in a secure location. For example, Apple devices offer iCloud as a reliable option for data backup.

  2. Habits: While having a good security system is important, many of our daily actions also play a significant role. Being cautious about opening links from unreliable sources, and being careful with emails or messages we receive are crucial steps to avoid potential issues.

  3. Updates: All electronic devices require periodic updates, during which companies introduce changes to improve the system, and many of these changes are focused on security.

  4. Authentication: Whenever possible, it is recommended to use multi-factor authentication, such as using our fingerprint to unlock the device or access certain applications.

  5. Device Lock: It's essential to protect devices with a password or any other form of security that prevents unauthorized access. When a mobile device is easily accessible, it becomes a gift to anyone who finds it lost or abandoned.

By following these processes and maintaining good security practices, we can significantly reduce the risks and ensure a safer digital experience for ourselves and our information.

Why choose Euroinnova International Online Education for this Master's in Cybersecurity and Digital Risk Management?

Don't miss the opportunity that Euroinnova International Online Education is offering you to expand your knowledge in the field of security. With the Master's in Cybersecurity and Digital Risk Management, you can balance your studies with your personal life. Additionally, you will receive a degree issued by Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM), in collaboration with Structuralia.

If you still have doubts, feel free to contact us through our form. Take advantage of the benefits of online training with Euroinnova.

If you want to explore more courses related to the Master's in Cybersecurity and Digital Risk Management, check out our extensive catalog of diplomas, master's degrees, courses, and more.

We look forward to welcoming you to Euroinnova International Online Education for the Master's in Cybersecurity and Digital Risk Management!

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