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Plan de estudios

Resumen salidas profesionales
Inbound Marketing consists of making the user the one who finds the brand, using different strategies to achieve this, as opposed to advertising, which can interrupt and chase the customer. Although this professional branch of marketing is relatively recent, nowadays it has become an indispensable part of any communication and marketing department. With the Inbound Marketing Strategies course, you will be able to develop within the sector and design and implement different inbound marketing strategies with the intention of improving the quality of your leads and increasing the income of your business.

- To design an inbound marketing strategy to improve the quality of your leads. - To define and learn about the types of viral and video marketing. - To explore the importance of the concept of online reputation. - To analyze the importance of social media in the business world. - To understand what is meant by a call to action. - To understand the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). - To understand the concept of social monitoring
Salidas profesionales
The job opportunities for this Inbound Marketing Strategies course are diverse, and most of them are related to the marketing department itself: Consultant, advisor, e-commerce assistant, digital marketing specialist, marketing communications manager, social media, marketing-focused content creator, etc.
Para qué te prepara
The Inbound Marketing Strategies course prepares you to specialize in inbound marketing and how companies should use different marketing techniques to increase the reach of their campaign and achieve better results. In other words, you will study the most important parts of marketing and public relations with the goal of designing and implementing an inbound marketing strategy.

A quién va dirigido
This Inbound Marketing Strategies course is designed for anyone interested in specializing in this subject, which belongs to the professional family of marketing and communication, and more specifically, in the different ways that a company can attract new customers thanks to both marketing and the different inbound marketing strategies.

Aprendizaje online gif Aprendizaje online
Aprendizaje 100% online
Plataforma web en la que se encuentra todo el contenido de la acción formativa. A través de ella podrá estudiar y comprender el temario mediante actividades prácticas, autoevaluaciones y una evaluación final.
Campus virtual Campus virtual
Campus virtual
Accede al campus virtual desde cualquier dispositivo, las 24 horas del día. Contando con acceso ilimitado a los contenidos de este curso.
Equipo docente especializado Equipo docente especializado
Equipo docente especializado
El alumnado cuenta con un equipo de profesionales en esta área de formación, ofreciéndole un acompañamiento personalizado.
Centro del estudiante Centro del estudiante
Centro del estudiante
Contacta a través de teléfono, chat y/o email. Obtendrás una respuesta en un tiempo máximo de 24/48 horas en función de la carga docente.

Titulación de course on inbound marketing strategy

Degree Issued and Endorsed by INESEM Business School. “Non-Official Education and Not Leading to the Award of an Official Degree or Certificate of Professionalism”.

Claustro docente

Euroinnova International Online Education
María Inmaculada González Segovia

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
María José Martínez Heredia

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Ana Cabello

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Miguel Castillo Blanco

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Laura Fernández Solar

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Eduard Alcaraz

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Borja Segura

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Fernando De Lis

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
álvaro Martín

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Catalina Rosalba Alpizar Padilla

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Juan Manuel Romero Ceballos

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Francesca Nuvola

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Sandra Vargas Benítez

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Virginia Anguita Cubillas

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
María Rodríguez Balderas

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Coraima Mengíbar

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Jaime Martín Sánchez

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Vega Fernández

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
María Sierra

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education
Anabel Fernández Jiménez

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

Euroinnova International Online Education


Euroinnova International Online Education
Sheila Hernández Torres

Docente de la facultad de marketing digital y comunicación

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Course on Inbound Marketing Strategy

Develop exceptional skills with our training in Inbound Marketing Strategies

Inbound Marketing is based on one of the business methods that focuses on attracting customers through the generation of valuable content that meets the needs of both customers and clients. By integrating these tools into non-intrusive advertising and marketing, communication with the customer can occur both at the beginning and during the final process. We live in an era saturated with promotions and advertising campaigns, so it is crucial for businesses to adapt and become aware of these, implementing strategies that capture their audience's attention and generate an increase in sales. This strategy is based on recruiting customers with relevant and interesting content, emphasizing each phase that a customer goes through when acquiring a product or service.

The main goal of these methods is to attract and persuade users and the target audience with various content. It is important to attend to the buying processes and personalize content at all times, as it is about accompanying customers throughout the purchasing journey, from when they first learn about the company until they become active within it. Additionally, it is essential to keep in mind that these strategies aim to generate more revenue and sales for the entity or organization. One of the key elements for businesses is building trust and confidentiality with users, which is why more and more companies are seeking professionals to launch inbound strategies.

Specialization within the marketing field is important, which is why professional specialization is necessary. With this Inbound Marketing Strategies Course offered by Euroinnova, you will be able to train in designing and applying inbound marketing strategies to improve the organization's or brand's visibility. Thanks to Euroinnova's e-learning methodology, you can train in the easiest and most convenient way.

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Discover new professional opportunities with our Inbound Marketing Strategies Course

Inbound marketing is increasingly important, almost becoming a necessity for businesses that want to endure in the market, so the demand for professionals in this field has grown significantly. Thanks to this online training, you will be able to meet the company's needs and apply the necessary techniques in each campaign. Attracting customers through content creation helps achieve better results.

Marketing is one of the recurring activities within companies. It is composed of a series of strategies, with the main goal of retaining customers. In certain cases, it is a rather lengthy process, and to optimize it and save time, automation is chosen.

What are the benefits of automating Inbound marketing?

Thanks to the adoption of these technologies, various objectives can be achieved, such as:

  • Time savings, making marketing a much more individualized and efficient tool, focused on each customer.
  • As a result, we can get customers to show interest and become engaged.
  • The information of each lead is processed and stored, establishing connections with them.
  • The number of customers increases, and so do the sales.
  • Tracking is done with the leads, to guide them through the entire purchasing process.
  • Focusing on establishing conversations with them that are productive, sparking interest in purchasing the product or service.
  • It also allows for classifications in the company’s databases to better understand each type of lead and dive into the characteristics of each one.
  • Feedback systems are established to support the customer.

What are the main tools for automating marketing?

Some of the tools that help automate this area of business can be classified as follows:

  • HubSpot: Mainly for everything related to marketing, sales, services, CMS, CRM...
  • Breco: Used in the area of email marketing.
  • ActiveCampaign: For developing mailing campaigns.

What should be considered when implementing marketing automation strategies?

Some of the advice to follow for this can be summarized as follows:

First, it is important to understand the company and study its situation to know what needs it wants to address.
On the other hand, the communication process with the outside world should be analyzed alongside automation.
Additionally, a series of smart goals should be established, meaning goals that are achievable.
Finally, embrace change and start the process.

Take this online course and gain knowledge about marketing automation in the business sector. What are you waiting for? Take the step with Euroinnova International Online Education!

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