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Plan de estudios

Resumen salidas profesionales
In today's efficiency-driven business landscape, the Lean Management approach is pivotal. This course demystifies key concepts, equipping learners with a comprehensive understanding of the Lean philosophy. Delve into the fundamentals, explore effective leadership styles suited to Lean environments, and grasp the art of steering cohesive teams towards continuous improvement. Participants will learn to apply core Lean techniques and recognize their impact across various sectors. You'll finish with a reflection on Lean applications, poised to foster a culture of excellence in any organizational setting. Embrace this course to lay the foundation for a versed journey in Lean Management.

- Implementation of supervised learning algorithms. - Implementation of unsupervised learning algorithms. - Implementation of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms by using Machine Learning and Deep Learning tools and libraries - Analyze and model data. - Prepare reports. - Develop interactive dashboards. - Through the practical exercises in this course, the student will be able to implement Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms through data analysis, reporting, algorithm interrelation analyses with a clear and intuitive understanding on each concept, finally the student will have to work with a real application, and use all the acquired knowledge from theory and practice to solve a Machine Learning problem.
Salidas profesionales
Graduados del curso de Lean Management, con sólida formación en fundamentos, liderazgo y técnicas Lean, están preparados para mejorar sistemas de producción y servicios. Aptos para gestionar equipos y liderar proyectos de eficiencia, hallarán oportunidades en manufactura, logística, consultoría y más. Aprovechen las habilidades de aplicación Lean del curso para destacar en la vanguardia de la gestión operativa moderna.
Para qué te prepara
This course equips you with a solid foundation in Lean Management, focusing on essential principles and methodologies. You'll delve into the key concepts and components, learn about effective leadership styles, and understand team dynamics in Lean settings. By exploring fundamental techniques, you'll be able to recognize how various sectors benefit from the Lean approach. Gain insights to support efficiency across different work environments.

A quién va dirigido
Our Lean Management course is tailored for professionals across various sectors eager to delve into the heart of efficiency enhancement. Participants will learn key Lean principles, understand the dynamics of Lean teams, and comprehend leadership styles conducive to a Lean setting. The curriculum progresses from foundational theory to practical Lean techniques and sector-specific applications, equipping learners with the essential tools for Lean implementation.

Aprendizaje online gif Aprendizaje online
Aprendizaje 100% online
Plataforma web en la que se encuentra todo el contenido de la acción formativa. A través de ella podrá estudiar y comprender el temario mediante actividades prácticas, autoevaluaciones y una evaluación final.
Campus virtual Campus virtual
Campus virtual
Accede al campus virtual desde cualquier dispositivo, las 24 horas del día. Contando con acceso ilimitado a los contenidos de este curso.
Equipo docente especializado Equipo docente especializado
Equipo docente especializado
El alumnado cuenta con un equipo de profesionales en esta área de formación, ofreciéndole un acompañamiento personalizado.
Centro del estudiante Centro del estudiante
Centro del estudiante
Contacta a través de teléfono, chat y/o email. Obtendrás una respuesta en un tiempo máximo de 24/48 horas en función de la carga docente.

Titulación de course in machine learning practical

Degree Issued and Endorsed by Structuralia

Claustro docente

Euroinnova International Online Education
Isaías Aranda Cano

Docente de la facultad de ciencia de datos e inteligencia artificial

Euroinnova International Online Education
Rafael Marín Sastre

Docente de la facultad de ciencia de datos e inteligencia artificial

Euroinnova International Online Education
Daniel Cabrera Armenteros

Docente de la facultad de ciencia de datos e inteligencia artificial

Euroinnova International Online Education
Alan Sastre

Docente de la facultad de ingeniería

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