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Course Educational Innovation
Do you want to boost your career as a true professional? Were you looking for a course on active methodologies and educational innovation? Are you interested in learning how to create educational innovation projects? Take advantage of the opportunity offered by Euroinnova with the Educational Innovation Course and boost your career with the leading company in training. Thanks to Euroinnova's e-learning methodology, you can train in the easiest and most convenient way.
Still not convinced? We invite you to continue reading about educational innovation.
Request the information you need at Euroinnova International Online Education!
Why apply innovation within the annual plan? How to create educational innovation? Why train with a Practical Educational Innovation Course?
Over the years, education has been affected, as the traditional teaching and learning methods are being abolished. Educational institutions and methods have been pushed to seek new approaches and tools. The implementation of these methods contributes to the educational processes and stages. The application of methods and tools, along with research in learning phases, is known as educational innovation and should adapt to today's society and modern learning styles.
The example of new technologies in everyday life represents a change in societies and their forms, both personally and professionally. Modern education requires innovative professionals who can apply technological tools and transform the system to optimize the teaching and learning process.
Thanks to these applications, teachers have the opportunity to transform the way they teach and how students acquire knowledge. With the knowledge gained, we have the power to change and enhance potential through the educational system. With this knowledge, we can contribute to building projects to implement innovative educational programs that meet the needs of today’s society.
The current educational system demands constantly evolving professional profiles, leading to the need for innovative profiles in education with knowledge of new technologies. Additionally, many companies and organizations have invested in training professionals in this sector. By applying new techniques in educational innovation, it is possible to personalize content, increase student motivation, and boost academic results.
What is Edutainment?
The term "Edutainment" originated with Walt Disney in 1948 to describe documentary productions that included playful components. It has been used to raise awareness about topics such as road safety, drug use, alcohol, and more.
It involves creating educational content using all kinds of playful material. The main goal is to foster student motivation, encouraging them to show motivating behavior when learning. One of the advantages of this method is ease of learning, as the student understands the material using language and codes that motivate and comfort them.
What are the benefits of Edutainment?
As an interactive methodology, Edutainment provides a range of benefits to students:
- It is motivating, as students are entertained while learning.
- It helps instill values along with subject knowledge.
- It is dynamic, with the student becoming the protagonist of their own learning.
- It fosters collective learning and teamwork, as students must collaborate to solve parts of the games.
- It allows students to learn at their own pace and adapt to their needs.
- It is portable, as it is interactive and digital, making it easy to carry anywhere.
What types of Edutainment exist?
Since it is an open field for research, many types can be found, such as:
- Playful learning / Game-based learning: Focuses on making teaching fun and friendly for the student, without necessarily rewarding or evaluating learning.
- Gamification: Incorporates rewards, distinguishing students based on achieving specific objectives.
- Serious games: Focuses on gaining rewards by overcoming various activities and increasing levels.
Some technologies that can be introduced into Edutainment include virtual reality, which enhances attention and motivation, and the Internet of Things.
Specialize in Educational Innovation with Euroinnova International Online Education!
Innovation is one of the most important factors in the education sector. Teachers must train and optimize to make a significant impact on society. Managing change is crucial in this sector, as it optimizes the teaching and learning process.
By implementing these changes, we can improve training in various forms, leading to an optimal environment and continuous improvement in education, establishing quality education.
Why enroll in the Educational Innovation Course offered by Euroinnova International Online Education?
Take advantage of the opportunity Euroinnova International Online Education offers to expand your knowledge. Thanks to the Practical Educational Innovation Course, you can balance your work and personal life in the most convenient way possible.
The methodology we offer at Euroinnova is based on distance learning, so you can train from anywhere in the world. It doesn’t matter if you live in Cádiz, Granada, Guadalajara, Madrid, Barcelona, Pontevedra, Santiago de Chile, CDMX, Guerrero, Chiapas, or Peru. Additionally, you will have a personalized tutor to resolve your questions or doubts within 24 to 48 hours.
If you’re still not convinced, you can contact us through our form. Get motivated and take advantage of the benefits of Euroinnova’s online training.
We look forward to seeing you at Euroinnova International Online Education with the Practical Educational Innovation Course!

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