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Plan de estudios

Resumen salidas profesionales
The Certificate program in Green Hydrogen Projects has been designed to grant students access to cross-cutting knowledge related to key aspects of the hydrogen energy production sector. As a matter of fact, it is intended to help students develop the necessary skills to successfully participate in different projects all the way from the conceptual to the strategic stage. Therefore, and to this end, this program has been structured into 9 modules that progressively delve into the characteristics of hydrogen as an element, as well as into its energy and environmental impact. This program also delves into the context of hydrogen as an energy source by analyzing the associated production technologies and the subsequent conversion process by means of fuel cells. It also goes into the storage and control systems within the supply chain, the repercussions of hydrogen in mobility and infrastructures, and of course, its uses and applications. In addition, other key aspects such as the construction of hydrogen filling stations, the strategic component and geopolitics of the sector, and finally, the economic and business aspects of hydrogen production, are also addressed. Furthermore, the program provides the necessary theoretical framework, case studies, and practical exercises for students to put the acquired knowledge into practice. Finally, at the end of the course, all knowledge and skills learned throughout the duration of the master’s degree will be tested by means of a final project.

- Learn about hydrogen in terms of properties as an element, as an energy vector, and its environmental impact. - Delve into hydrogen production and conversion methods. - Apply relevant storage and control systems. - Delve into the associated infrastructure and means of transport. - Master the use and applications of hydrogen. - Delve into the fundamental aspects of hydrogen fueling stations. - Learn about the key players involved through a strategic vision of the sector. - Master economic and business aspects associated with hydrogen energy projects.
Salidas profesionales
- Project engineer in consulting companies - Energy company manager - Project and technical studies manager in construction firms - Technical staff in public administration agencies - Process engineers - Energy process manager - Economist and developers in the energy sector - Energy operations manager - Energy business development
Para qué te prepara
The Certificate program in Green Hydrogen Projects equips you with a comprehensive understanding of hydrogen as an energy vector, generation, storage, power applications, and installations. By completing this course, you will be prepared to contribute to energy transition strategies, understand decarbonization techniques, and participate in the production of green hydrogen and fuel cells. The program's structure enables you to apply theoretical knowledge through practical exercises and a final project assessment.

A quién va dirigido
Professionals in both the public and private sectors who require training in the hydrogen energy sector. Professionals seeking to boost their careers within the private sector or promote strategic changes within their companies. Anyone with either undergraduate or graduate education who is interested in learning more about the hydrogen energy sector in order to pursue a professional career in this area. Management staff who require an overall understanding of the hydrogen sector for strategic decision-making.

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Aprendizaje 100% online
Plataforma web en la que se encuentra todo el contenido de la acción formativa. A través de ella podrá estudiar y comprender el temario mediante actividades prácticas, autoevaluaciones y una evaluación final.
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Equipo docente especializado Equipo docente especializado
Equipo docente especializado
El alumnado cuenta con un equipo de profesionales en esta área de formación, ofreciéndole un acompañamiento personalizado.
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Carácter oficial
La presente formación no está incluida dentro del ámbito de la formación oficial reglada (Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria, Formación Profesional Oficial FP, Bachillerato, Grado Universitario, Master Oficial Universitario y Doctorado). Se trata por tanto de una formación complementaria y/o de especialización, dirigida a la adquisición de determinadas competencias, habilidades o aptitudes de índole profesional, pudiendo ser baremable como mérito en bolsas de trabajo y/o concursos oposición, siempre dentro del apartado de Formación Complementaria y/o Formación Continua siendo siempre imprescindible la revisión de los requisitos específicos de baremación de las bolsa de trabajo público en concreto a la que deseemos presentarnos.

Titulación de certificate program in green hydrogen

Certificate Program In Green Hydrogen awarded by Structuralia

Claustro docente

Euroinnova International Online Education
Miguel Angel Aparicio Jimenez

Docente de la facultad de ciencias

Euroinnova International Online Education
Francisco Navarro Martinez

Docente de la facultad de ciencias

Euroinnova International Online Education
Fabiola Naranjo

Docente de la facultad de ciencias

Euroinnova International Online Education
Antonio Pérez-luque

Docente de la facultad de ciencias

Euroinnova International Online Education
Marta Ester Lopez Viseras

Docente de la facultad de ciencias

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Certificate Program In Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen is emerging as a pivotal solution in the quest for sustainable energy, offering numerous benefits that are increasingly relevant in today's environmental and economic landscape. Unlike conventional hydrogen, which is produced from fossil fuels and releases significant carbon emissions, green hydrogen is derived from renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, through a process called electrolysis. This method generates hydrogen with zero carbon emissions, positioning green hydrogen as a cornerstone in the fight against climate change.

One of the primary advantages of green hydrogen is its potential to decarbonize various sectors. In the energy industry, it provides a clean alternative to fossil fuels, enabling significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. This is particularly crucial for heavy industries and sectors that are challenging to electrify, such as steel manufacturing and chemical production. By replacing conventional fuels with green hydrogen, these industries can substantially lower their carbon footprint.

In the transportation sector, green hydrogen offers a promising solution for decarbonizing heavy-duty and long-distance transport. Hydrogen fuel cells can power buses, trucks, and trains, providing a clean and efficient energy source that extends driving range and reduces reliance on battery-electric vehicles. This is especially important for sectors where battery technology may fall short, such as long-haul trucking and aviation.

Moreover, green hydrogen has a crucial role in energy storage and grid stability. Its ability to store excess renewable energy from intermittent sources like wind and solar makes it an effective tool for balancing supply and demand. This capability supports a more reliable and resilient energy grid, facilitating the transition to a renewable energy system.

If you are passionate about nature or simply want to make a significant and real contribution to environmental protection, studying this discipline will be highly rewarding for you. Additionally, with the Certificate Program In Green Hydrogen, your entry into the job market will be well-secured.


máster en hidrógeno verde

What is Green Hydrogen?

Green hydrogen, also known as renewable hydrogen, is produced from various renewable energy sources that generate zero CO2 emissions. The use of this type of hydrogen, combined with other strategies and techniques, is crucial for decarbonization.

How is it Produced Green Hydrogen?

Green hydrogen is obtained through a chemical process to extract it from its natural state. This process involves electrolysis powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power. Other, less sustainable methods include:

  • Molecular Transformation: Chemical reactions to obtain hydrogen, usually through the reforming of natural gas deposits. This involves using steam at high temperatures to separate carbon from hydrogen. It is the most commonly used method today.
  • Gasification: Using steam and pure oxygen with coal as a base, leading to the production of carbon monoxide. This is one of the most polluting techniques.

Currently, only about 1% of global hydrogen production is green hydrogen, but this is expected to change as global plans to combat climate change gain momentum.

Uses of Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen has various applications, including:

  • Domestic Use: Heating and electricity for homes, due to the high temperatures this hydrogen can achieve.
  • Heavy Industry: Essential for producing chemicals like ammonia and fertilizers, as well as in oil refining and steel production.
  • Clean Renewable Fuel: Green hydrogen will drive the decarbonization of transportation, particularly for long-distance and air travel, and will impact freight and heavy transport.
  • Energy Storage: Its large volume and long lifespan make it comparable to natural gas or oil reserves, offering significant environmental benefits and safe storage solutions.

Be Part of the Biggest Energy Shift of the Century

In the coming years, green hydrogen, along with other low-carbon energy sources, is expected to account for 10-20% of the planet’s total energy consumption. It will also be adopted in maritime and aviation sectors as a key component of the decarbonization strategy to meet the 2050 climate goals.

At Euroinnova International Online Education, we are committed to making the world a better place and helping you achieve your professional goals. Our programs are designed to support your career development and integration into the job market effectively.

Enroll now in the Certificate Program In Green Hydrogen and become an accredited professional in Green Hydrogen Projects, earning 60 ECTS credits. What are you waiting for?

If you have any questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us through our website.

We look forward to helping you achieve your goals!


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